Announcing user-friendly "time slider" tool for HAMMER v1

Tim Darby t+dfbsd at
Mon Dec 22 15:54:51 PST 2014

I haven't had a chance to try this yet, but it sounds awesome. I've wanted
some like this for a long time.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:53 AM, John Marino <dragonflybsd at> wrote:

> I've created a curses-based tool called "slider" that is user-friendly
> combination between "hammer history" and "undo".  If the given path
> doesn't exist but has history, an "undelete" attempt can be made.
> However, if the given path has multiple versions, each timestamp will be
> displayed and selectable via arrow keys.  If the origin file is text,
> any version can be "viewed" in pages, and a colorized diff between any
> two versions can be viewed.  It's easy to save any listed version as a
> new file or to restore the given path with any previous version.
> However doesn't handle deleted directories (yet).
> I created it because I found browsing through historical versions very
> cumbersome (dumping transactions IDs and manually viewing each one via
> command line).  Undeleting a file wasn't as simple as I'd have liked
> either.  Hopefully other people will find the tool useful.
> Feedback and/or bug reports welcome! [3]
> It's in dports at sysutils/slider, so you can get it by either:
> 1) pkg ins sysutils/slider                        [1]
> 2) cd /usr/dports/sysutils/slider ; make install  [2]
> Usage: slider file [save-as-file]
> Thanks,
> John
> [1] Available now for DragonFly 4.1, soon for DragonFly 4.0
> [2] The dependencies of lang/gcc-aux and devel/adacurses take a long
> time to build so it's advisable to "pkg add lang/gcc-aux" to save a lot
> of time when building slider from source.
> [3] I already know about the unhandled exception that occurs when trying
> to view the diff between two identical versions of the file.  The fix
> will be available via source build first.
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