Package download statistics

John Marino dragonflybsd at
Sun Jun 2 05:32:44 PDT 2013

On 6/1/2013 13:13, Chris Turner wrote:
> On 05/30/13 01:59, Francois Tigeot wrote:
>> The pkgsrc trend is reinforced though, almost nobody downloads pkgsrc
>> packages.
> This could be an indication that pkgsrc users are more likely
> to build from source

Since Francois is saying that pre-building pkgsrc binaries seems to be a 
waste and resources for DragonFly developers, stating that pkgsrc users 
only build from source makes the proposal to stop pre-building pkgsrc 
binaries a lot stronger.

The bigger question, of course, is *why* pkgsrc users are likely to 
build from source?  Could it be that they had lots of issues with that 
in the past?  Who wouldn't want something fast and quick if it were 
trustworthy?  The "indication" alone is telling.

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