[DPorts] The only packages available are for DragonFly 3.4

Francois Tigeot ftigeot at wolfpond.org
Sun Jul 21 06:33:16 PDT 2013

There has been some recurring confusion about binary DPorts packages
from people running DragonFly 3.5 (the development version).

By default, pkg on DragonFly 3.5 will try to use "3.6" packages, 3.6
beeing the next predicted DragonFly release version.

These packages don't exist.
Only DragonFly 3.4 packages are maintained.

It's nevertheless possible to use DragonFly packages on DragonFly 3.5
by explicitely setting the ABI tag in pkg.conf.

ABI: dragonfly:3.4:x86:64
ABI: dragonfly:3.4:x86:32

will force the use of existing DragonFly 3.4 packages.

Be sure to check uname -m output and not select the wrong machine
architecture first.

It may also be necessary to install the compat34 package on systems
installed from DragonFly 3.5 snapshots.

Francois Tigeot

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