adding a packages to pkgsrc for DragonflyBSD only?

John Marino dragonflybsd at
Fri Nov 2 14:00:02 PDT 2012

On 11/2/2012 21:23, B. Estrade wrote:
> I would like to add a package to pkgsrc, but the immediate purpose is
> specifically to make it available for DragonflyBSD.
> Can I add something to DragonflyBSD's pkgsrc without having to worry
> about the upstream, or would I have to get it added up stream first?
> I maintain lang/qore on FreeBSD's Ports, and I would like to bring it
> to DragonflyBSD.

pkgsrc policy is that all packages have to build on NetBSD.  There are 
exceptions to the policy, mainly for those packages that are so platform 
specific it's just not feasible (or takes a great amount of work) to 
support multiple platforms.

The good news is that pkgsrc is design such that if a package builds for 
one platform, it's generally not a lot of work to do another.

The band news is that packages in the "lang" category are often 
exceptions to this rule.  I know; I brought in lang/gnat-aux and 
lang/gcc-aux originally only caring about DragonFly.  Langs often need 
bootstraps so supporting multiple platforms is not trivial.

But there is no overlay for pkgsrc.  Changes for DragonFly in pkgsrc are 
committed directly in pkgsrc.

There is "wip" area that you may have seen and ftigeot uses a lot.  I 
don't bother but it is a playground that is easy to get commit access 
to.  If the wip package works, it can get promoted quickly.


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