Hammer prune issue

Justin Sherrill justin at shiningsilence.com
Mon Apr 30 17:52:53 PDT 2012

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Tim Darby <t+dfbsd at timdarby.net> wrote:
> When I run hammer prune-everything remotely via SSH, it pretty consistently
> causes all network connections to that box to die, including my ssh session.
>  Has anyone else seen this?

I have run prune-everything a bunch of times (since I manage to fill
disks regularly with bulk builds) and never saw this happen.

Can you tell if it's actual drops or perhaps timeouts?  If it's
timeouts, I'd wonder if it's some issue with heavy disk activity
keeping the system from responding as fast as it needs to.  I'm
guessing, though.

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