Mount Ext3 under DragonFlyBSD

v_2e at v_2e at
Sat Apr 28 12:36:18 PDT 2012

On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 12:03:15 -0400
Donald Allen <donaldcallen at> wrote:
> I'm not quite seeing the point of why you are trying to substitute a
> BSD for Linux in this situation. And given that you have an ext3
> filesystem, I'm pretty sure it's the case that none of the BSDs
> support it. They only support ext2. So before turning a BSD loose on
> your ext3 filesystem, you would have to convert it to ext2 with Linux.
> This may not be a smart idea. 

  I read somewhere that Ext3 is a kind of "backwards compatible" with
Ext2 in a sense that one can mount an Ext3 file system "in Ext2 mode",
i.e. without journalling. Is that right?
  If it is, then it must be possible to mount the Ext3 file system as
Ext2 on *BSD, isn't it?

  As for the reasons for me to switch to DragonFlyBSD, the only REAL
one is that I want to get some experience in *BSD administration. This
is not my desktop machine, so it is not a big problem if it doesn't
work for some time. And also the GNU/Linux distribution I used on this
machine was quite outdated, and I experienced some problems with it from
time to time. So I decided to try something different and just see how
it works.

  Summarizing all said, it would be useful to come to a conclusion
about a good way to have a file system shared between DragonFlyBSD and
GNU/Linux. What is a good (wise) way of achieving it?


 <v_2e at>

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