Why did you choose DragonFly?
Przemysław Pawełczyk
pp_o2 at o2.pl
Mon Sep 20 13:55:29 PDT 2010
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 13:33:28 -0600
"Samuel J. Greear" <sjg at evilcode.net> wrote:
> This mail is intended for the infrequent responders and lurkers on the
> list just as much as the regular posters.
> What has drawn you to use the DragonFly BSD operating system and/or
> participate in its development by following this list? Technical
> features, methodologies, something about the community? I suspect the
> HAMMER filesystem to be the popular choice, but what other features
> affect or do you see affecting your day to day life as an
> administrator, developer, or [insert use case here], now or in the
> future?
Hi Sam,
A question for a question.
Why _no one_ answered my question concerning DF BSD contained in my
What did I do wrong?
I thought them over before I gathered enough temerity to ask here for
Why do you ask me -"a lurker" - to answer your questions when you
(plural) are treating "the lurkers" that way?
PrzemysÅaw PaweÅczyk (P2O2) [pron. Pshemislav Paveltchick]
http://pp.blast.pl, pp_o2 at o2.pl
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