No subject

Unknown Unknown
Tue Jul 27 18:52:00 PDT 2010

It made me think, what advantage do we get by over-complicating things
with disklabels, sectors, offsets etc? They are things that, I feel,
majority of *nix users don't wanna hear about these days. I've used *BSD
for a few years and while i never really had problems with
disklabel(except once), it does seem kind of cool to "partition a slice",
it is redundant at the same time especially now that GPT is here and it
does work with existing BIOSes.

I blasted away a DF disklabel by accident once(installing FreeBSD on
another slice) and I didnt have backups and I managed to recover my data
only partially, sure my fault..i didnt have a backup, but on the other
hand I blame the disklabel to be too easy to stuff up.

As I mentioned earlier, another issue they seem to find, is the
non-availability of choosing BASH during the install.


So, what is the real world advantage of using disklabel, that can't be
done with GPT on 99.99% of all OS install? that is worth breaking
compatibility with other *BSDs - each BSD implements disklabel
differently- and other OSs like Linux - doesn't use disklabel at all but
for Linux to support reading/writing to HAMMER or UFS, it would have to
implement some basic disklabel support.


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