Boot problems

Dragon Fly dragonflybugs at
Wed Dec 29 22:58:54 PST 2010

Happy New Year, 2011!I have installed FreeBSD (sdc1) and DragonFlyBSD (sdc4) and for some reason I am unable to boot DragonFlyBSD (the boot doesnt move) unless I hide sdc1. I understand that DragonFlyBSD uses the same partition id (0xA5) as FreeBSD and that is what messing up the boot order. I've tried installing DesktopBSD as well but when I choose to boot DesktopBSD it boots FreeBSD.
Here are menu.lst entries -###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: other###

title FreeBSD 8.1 i386
    rootnoverify (hd2,0)
    chainloader +1

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: other###
title DragonFlyBSD-2.8.2-amd64
    rootnoverify (hd2,3)
    chainloader +1
		Here is Geometry -grub> geometry (hd2)
drive 0x82: C/H/S = 56065/255/63, The number of sectors = 1953525168, /dev/disk
   Partition num: 0, [BSD sub-partitions immediately follow]
     BSD Partition num: 'a',  Filesystem type is ufs2, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'b',  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'd',  Filesystem type is ufs, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'e',  Filesystem type is ufs, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'f',  Filesystem type is ufs, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'g',  Filesystem type is ufs, partition type 0xa5
   Partition num: 1,  Filesystem type is jfs, partition type 0x83
   Partition num: 3, [BSD sub-partitions immediately follow]
     BSD Partition num: 'a',  Filesystem type is ufs, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'b',  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'd',  Filesystem type is ufs, partition type 0xa5
     BSD Partition num: 'e',  Filesystem type is ufs, partition type 0xa5
		I will like to compile DragonFlyBSD kernel with this option -
options  ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:ad8s4a\"
How do I do this (with what command) and should it be ufs:ad8s3a or ad8s4a. In /etc/fstab it says s4a. I am booting everything of SUSE GrUB and it reads sdc1 partition as (hd2,0) I am a n00b at DragonFlyBSD and will appreciate your help. 

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