How to use hammer volume-add and volume-del

Michael Neumann michaelneuma at
Wed Apr 7 03:56:05 PDT 2010

2010/4/7 lhmwzy <lhmwzy at>
# uname -a
DragonFly . 2.6-RELEASE DragonFly v2.6.1-RELEASE #1: Sun Apr  4
19:50:41 PDT 2010
root at  i386

# hammer volume-del /dev/da1 /usr
hammer volume-del ioctl: Invalid argument/usr is not a valid HAMMER filesystem! You must specify the path you use in mount, not a PFS.For example:
  mount_hammer /dev/ad1 /mnt  hammer volume-add /dev/ad2 /mnt 
when added a disk,can't be removed.

another question,the same disk(/dev/da1 for example) can be added for
many times using "hammer volume-add /dev/da1 /usr",is this normal?What does hammer info /usr show? I am sure it is not added, but maybe noerror is shown.
Regards,  Michael

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