September release home stretch!

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Tue Sep 1 20:56:47 PDT 2009

    We are fast approaching our September release!  Here's a quick summary
    of current goings-ons.

    * All major features have been integrated and developers are now
      doing stabilization passes and dealing with bug reports.

    * The actual release date this month is still a bit uncertain as we
      talk with the pkgsrc meisters on which pkgsrc quarterly to
      synchronize with.  I was hoping for mid-September (2 weeks), but
      it may wind up being more late-september (3.5 weeks).

    * The primary release will still be 32-bit for this release cycle,
      but a 64-bit ISO and (limited) package set will be made available
      for bleeding edge users.

    I personally have one work item left for myself, that being to track
    down a reproducable bug in HAMMER when using the 'nohistory' mount

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at>

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