Xorg configuration

justin at shiningsilence.com justin at shiningsilence.com
Sun Nov 1 18:05:06 PST 2009

> Any suggestions about fixing the ACPI problem? If I boot the normal way it
> gets a kernel trap.

You hadn't mentioned this before, but I don't know if it matters for the
Xorg problem.

>> I'm having similar troubles now, having installed binary packages to
>> test
>> this, though unloading DRI/GLX didn't help.  Did you install binary
>> packages or build manually?
> Binaries.

I'm seeing the same thing, though I'm trying this with the vesa driver.  I
tried with prebuilt binaries and from source, and removed glx/dri.  X
happily starts up, but I only get a black screen.  No errors in the log. 
I'm out of ideas too.

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