Fluxbox 1.1.1 apps

Niklas Rosencrantz niklasro at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 05:52:13 PST 2009

Dear dragonfly team,I enable Fluxbox 1.1.1 from a Dell Laptop d✈fly 2.4.1 regularly wikiing http://www.dragonflybsd.org/docs/user/dellcpx/

welcoming your instructions how to enable more apps and browsers e.g. firefox. The best browser starting is links-graphics, konquerer and more also start, still many apps appear in the manus registering as installed and don't start. Hence probably path issue. pidgin IM does start, gimp won't, igoo won't, might be random or config the thing. If doable, please inform whether apps in menu are supposed to start the program or path to path configuration. Starting a root gui, gnome starts OK and not mozilla. My goal is migrating my dev environment.

Thanks & regardsNick Rosencrantz

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