pkg_dry on DragonFlyBSD

Antonio Huete Jimenez ahuete.devel at
Thu May 7 08:06:23 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I've updated script so it can handle the last CVS version 
of pkg_dry. Get it here:

You are encouraged to updated to the latest version as there have been 
many changes, features included, bug fixes and improvements over the 
previous versions.

You can get more information about pkg_dry usage here:

Note: Please, delete your old database (rm -f /var/db/pkg_dry/*.db) and 
file ddb_create.h (rm -fr $HOME/pkg_dry/ddb_create.h) before running the 
new script, because there have been changes on the DB structure.

Hi again,

As recommended by pkg_dry author (iMil), it is better to use CVS code 
instead the milestone from 04-14 because it include a lot more changes.

For those who are interested on testing, you can grab the attached 
script and it will:
- Install dependencies
- Checkout source and apply patches
- Compile and install
- Create initial data for pkg_dry

It will need root privileges and a inet connection.

Antonio Huete

The other day I heard about a new tool for handling pkgsrc binary 
packages called pkg_dry, so I decided to give it a try.
You can see the original post here:

There is a small set of steps to make it work on DFBSD. You will need 
libfetch (thanks joerg ;) and sqlite3 from pkgsrc.
I've attached a small patch that changes the paths for pkgtools 
(pkg_add, pkg_delete, pkg_info)

tar xvzf pkg_dry-20090414.tgz
cd pkg_dry
patch -p1 < pkgdry_pkgtools.patch
Then you'll need to set PKG_PATH environment variable to one of our 
binary packages server, for example chlamydia so pkg_dry can grab 
pkg_summary and the binary packages. You'll also have to create 
manually the directory where pkg_dry DB and cache is stored.

setenv PKG_PATH 

mkdir -p /var/db/pkg_dry/cache

Ok, now you can sync the package list from the remote repo.
#./pkg_dry -u
For further information about the usage you can consult the main post 
of the utility in the URL I pasted above.

I've attached also a sample output with some basic tests I've done.

Antonio Huete

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