Dragonfly used in production

Haidut haidut at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 09:15:46 PDT 2009

Hi all,Just wanted to let you know that we have deployed in production a cluster of about 50 single-CPU machines running Dragonfly. That's probably Dragonfly's largest production install base at a single location:-) The machines are used as the crawler layer for a search engine. We are not using hammer yet but plan on transition to it in the next 6-12 months. In case you want to find out more about the project please visit:
http://www.euraeka.com/faqWe are very happy with the way Dragonfly handles the load. Our previous crawler cluster ran Debian Linux and the crawling speed was horrible. After switching to Dragonfly, we gained 5x-6x in crawling speed.
I am just forwarding this information in case there are plans to set up
a page "Sites using Dragonfly" like the ones on the FreeBSD and NetBSD

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