hammer history ls

Jost Tobias Springenberg jspringe at uos.de
Tue Feb 17 09:47:55 PST 2009

>     Hmm.   The filename space is kinda overloaded there with those
> TID ranges. Do we even need TID ranges?  A person could simply sort
> the output and pick out what he wanted.  

Yes certainly all the info can be parsed out of the current output, 
I just consider it good practice to have it available directly as an
option. Parsing the output via sed / perl / whatsoever is just not that
nice to do all the time.

> Alternatively they could be
> specified as normal options prior to the directive. 
>     hammer --start-tid=0x... --end-tid=0x... history-count <fname*>
>     If you wanted to get really fancy you could also implement date
> ranges.
>     hammer --start-date=20-Sep-2008 --end-date=01-Jan-2009 ...

Agree on that one, if you decide that you want it in the repo I can
make the necessary changes tonight or tomoroow evening, should not be
such a big effort anyway, otherwise I might be too lazy ;).

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