Updating USB stack from FBSD 8.x and others

Bill Hacker wbh at conducive.org
Sun Dec 13 16:24:50 PST 2009

elekktretterr at exemail.com.au wrote:
I don't know if non-profit would help us here - people would have to pay
money to the non-profit entity, which would then hire someone (Alexander)
to do the work.  Once money gets involved with an official organization,
the processes have to be very clear and very fair.  We'd probably need to
move to a grant application process like what the FreeBSD Foundation does
We're fine with this informal volunteer process we have now, as a way to
move money between individuals.  I've seen open source non-profits end up
with problems because money gets awarded to individual developers in a
not-too-clear way and other developers get hurt, emotionally and
I know what you mean, but being able to use such contributions for tax
deductions would surely encourage more people to contribute.

Not to forget several thou (in US$ or equivalent) that has to go for all the 
unavoidable setup paperwork and forever-after periodic filings.

That's money that can't fund anything but chair-warmers - a class already in 
massive surplus.



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