PHP and apache

Sascha Wildner saw at
Mon Apr 27 12:01:59 PDT 2009

Justin C. Sherrill schrieb:
On Thu, April 23, 2009 6:43 am, Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
cd /usr
make pkgsrc-checkout
Would it be worth making this an optional step at install time?  Opinions?
 Don't know if there's a way to automate it.

the problem is actually a bit more complex. Let me try to explain...

We do have 2 things already:

* /usr/Makefile's 'pkgsrc-checkout' target which will checkout 

* The /usr/pkgsrc-all.tgz tarball on the LiveCD which is the pkgsrc tree 
the LiveCD was built with. AFAIK corecode uses 2008Q4 at the moment for 
both the LATEST-Devel.iso and the LATEST-Release-2.2.iso. I'm not sure 
what Matt uses but I guess 2008Q4 too.

If we decide to install /usr/pkgsrc as part of the installation process 
we need to think about which pkgsrc that should be (current or last 
release?). What I _don't_ want to do is to add a _third_ way of checking 
out /usr/pkgsrc (to the installer).

The pkgsrc tree on the LiveCD has the problem that it's missing the CVS/ 
directories so it might be awkward to simply update via CVS if copied to 
the system. This could be fixed of course by just no longer excluding 
CVS/ directories from the CD's tarball. But it would stay at the branch 
which was used for building the CD.

If we would decide on using the tree the CD was built with, it would be 
as easy as just including the CD's /usr/pkgsrc in the list of 
directories to copy over upon installation. In this case, what would 
happen to /usr/Makefile? If someone did 'make pkgsrc-checkout' it would 
try to checkout current over some branch. Haven't tried it out, but I 
guess that would break in some way.

Any ideas?

I'm really unsure because each solution has a different set of pros and 



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