Dual-core Athlon

Michael Neumann mneumann at ntecs.de
Tue Apr 21 00:05:36 PDT 2009

Neil Booth wrote:
Archimedes Gaviola wrote:-

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Sascha Wildner <saw at online.de> wrote:
Neil Booth schrieb:
I don't believe Dragonfly is using / enabling the second CPU
of a dual-core Athlon I bought recently. ?At least, top only
shows one cpu. ?Is there a way to enable it, or can Dragonfly
not do that yet?
Hmm, and this is with a kernel that has 'options SMP' and 'options APIC_IO'
set in the config? Our stock GENERIC is UP only.

Yes that's right, as based on my experience with 2-way Quad-Core Xeon
machines on DragonFly, you have to recompile your GENERIC kernel with
'options SMP' to be able to detect multiple core CPUs.
I see; no this is a stock install kernel.  Thanks.
The LiveDVD contains a prebuild SMP kernel IIRC. In case you are too 
lazy to compile your own SMP kernel :)



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