problem in gtk programming

dark0s Optik shiftcoder at
Sun Oct 26 13:24:37 PDT 2008

#pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0
-I/usr/pkg/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/pkg/lib/gtk-2.0/include
-I/usr/pkg/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/pkg/include/cairo
-I/usr/pkg/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/pkg/include/glib/glib-2.0
-I/usr/pkg/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/pkg/include/freetype2
-I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include/libpng12
-I/usr/pkg/include/pixman-1  -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib
-lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0
-lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lcairo -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0
-lglib-2.0 -lintl

I must include all above librarries and path in gcc command, how can I
run gcc with pkg-config as
gcc 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags ....

2008/10/26, dark0s Optik <shiftcoder at>:
> I installed pkg-config, xproto, renderproto and kbproto packages
> because they required.
> Now if I type:
> #gcc 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags' prova.c -o prova
> gcc: pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags: No such file or directory
> If I type:
> #gcc '/usr/pkg/bin/pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags' prova.c -o prova
> gcc: /usr/pkg/bin/pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags: No such file or
> directory
> How can I include pkg-config in gcc command?
> Regards,
> savio
> 2008/10/19, walt <wa1ter at>:
>> dark0s Optik wrote:
>>> I am triyng to programming with gtk over DragonFly.
>>> My sample code is the follows:
>>> #include<gtk/gtk.h>
>>> ...
>>> The gcc output is:
>>> #gcc prova.c -o prova
>>  > ...
>> Hi Savio,
>> The gtk header files are in /usr/pkg/include because you are
>> using the gtk package from pkgsrc (like most of us).  That's
>> fine if you are building another pkgsrc package because all
>> pkgsrc packages are smart enough to look in /usr/pkg/include
>> for the required header files.
>> But, if you are writing your own code you need to tell gcc
>> where to look for the gtk headers, because gcc is only smart
>> enough to look in /usr/include -- it knows nothing about the
>> /usr/pkg/include directory unless you tell it.
>> So you need to do something like this:
>> #gcc -I/usr/pkg -I/usr/pkg/include prova.c -o prova
>> But wait, now the loader doesn't know where to look for the
>> gtk libraries, so you will get a different error about that.
>> The gnu autotools people devised the pkg-config system to
>> solve this very common problem.  Try this:
>> #pkg-config --list-all | grep gtk (look for gtk+-2.0)
>> #pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0
>> -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0
>> -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
>> -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/freetype2
>> -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/pixman-1  -lgtk-x11-2.0
>> -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0
>> -lcairo -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -ldl -lglib-2.0
>> That horrible list of flags is what you need to give gcc to compile
>> *and* link your program against gtk -- but I'm doing this on a linux
>> machine and you should see different flags on your dragonfly machine.
>> I leave the rest as an exercise for the reader ;o)
> --
> only the paranoid will survive

only the paranoid will survive

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