Installation on Macbook Pro

YONETANI Tomokazu qhwt+dfly at
Tue Mar 11 19:54:35 PDT 2008

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 02:28:15AM +0000, Christopher Rawnsley wrote:
> On 11 Mar 2008, at 07:49, Sascha Wildner wrote:
>> Does it help if you do:
>> % cd /dev
>> % sh ./MAKEDEV /dev/ad4s3a
>> This creates /dev/ad4s3[a-p] e.g. if i remember correctly.
> I tried something similar:
> % cd /dev
> % ./MAKEDEV ad4s4a
> It created the /dev/ad4s3[a-p] like you said. I had another go with 
> disklabel but it still didn't like something :( Thanks for the tip though.
> I've been fiddling with gpt(8) to see if that would yield any results. It 
> keeps telling me that my MBR is corrupt. Is there an automatic why to 
> correct that using fdisk(8) or something else?

IIRC, you need to fiddle with ad5*.  A better alternative I can think of
is to partition (or maybe even disklabel it and newfs -O1) using FreeBSD
installer first, then boot with DragonFly LiveCD, and continue the rest
of procedure explained in /README .


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