FTP vs Firefox

Sdavtaker sdavtaker at gmail.com
Sun Jun 8 18:26:14 PDT 2008

oh, the problem.... It opens a dialog to download a file named L4Lrma08.part

Sdavtaker wrote:
I'm having troubles getting my ftpd work against firefox. (client want 
it to work, i really dont mind, i use Filezilla and it works 100% there).
My setup is:
DragonFly doom 1.12.0-RELEASE DragonFly 1.12.0-RELEASE #0: Mon Feb 25 
13:59:18 PST 2008     root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
The ftpd is running in inetd:
ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/libexec/ftpd       ftpd -l
The ftpd config files are:
ftpd.conf does not exist, so it is running with defaults.
The ftpchroot is empty.
the ftpusers has services and wheel users.
The users can log in from filezilla with no problems at all.
The firefox ftp://user@ip opens the log window, i insert my nick and 
pass waits for a minute or 2 and fails.

Any idea why?

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