howto use /usr/include/iconv.h

Johannes Hofmann Johannes.Hofmann at
Fri Jan 25 10:38:36 PST 2008

walt <wa1ter at> wrote:
> Johannes Hofmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> what is the correct way to use iconv.h from /usr/include instead of
>> /usr/pkg/include ?
>> As soon as I add -I/usr/pkg/include iconv.h is used from there.
>> Even adding -I/usr/include doesn't help.
>> On the other hand I need -I/usr/pkg/include e.g. for jpeglib.h.
> I assume you are talking about pkgsrc?  The pkgsrc build system
> creates symlinks to every header file in the work/.buildlink/include
> subdirectory, and does the same for libraries in .buildlink/lib.

actually I'm compiling some sources for which there is no
pkgsrc package (yet?).
Perhaps that's not supported? On the other hand it works just fine
apart from that minor glitch with iconv.h...

> Any time you get a missing header file or missing library error, you
> need to look in the .buildlink directory to correct the problem.  Most
> of the time it will be a missing symlink.  All those symlinks are made
> by the 'bmake wrapper' target, which is done automatically during the
> build.
> The symlinks are generated (somehow) from the collection of
> files mentioned in the master Makefile or in the top directory.
> Lots of docs in pkgsrc/doc to make you dizzy :o)

will have a look at that.


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