rename patch (was Re: renaming the current working directory (cwd))

Vincent Stemen vs1 at
Thu Jan 17 23:48:56 PST 2008

On 2008-01-14, Matthew Dillon <dillon at> wrote:
>:I applied the patches to the development kernel and tested.  So far as
>:I can tell, that fixed the problem. 
>:Thank you very much, Matt, for the very fast action.
>:- Vince
>     Cool.  Keep testing it.  I'll plan on doing some testing myself and
>     getting it committed on Friday.
> 					-Matt
> 					Matthew Dillon 
> 					<dillon at>

Since you are planning to commit the patches tomorrow, I just thought
I would let you know I have been running that machine on the new patched
kernel for several days and it seems rock solid with fairly heavy file
system access and multi-gigabyte NFS transfers.  I have tested the
directory renaming issue multiple times and it has worked fine.  This is
a 1.10.1-RELEASE system with only the kernel replaced.


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