where is xfs?

Stephane Russell stephane.russell at prodigeinfo.com
Mon Nov 26 20:00:08 PST 2007

Jeremy C. Reed a écrit :
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, Stephane Russell wrote:
>> Does anyone knows where is the xfs program on the latest pkgsrc package?
>> It's normally included in the xorg package, but I can't find it with the
>> latest version (pkgsrc 2007Q3).
> I don't think a pkgsrc package was ever created for it.
> Do you have a particular need for X font server?
> Fontconfig is more featureful and simplifies fonts. I have read several 
> times that fontconfig is expected sometime to replace xfs.

I'm accessing mostly to my BSD server with a remote X connection. The
rendering is better on my local station when I have xfs installed to
send me the fonts installed on my server, instead of using those present
on my station. It also makes me less configuration to do locally (I'm
using Cygwin locally).

Well, I'll take a look to Fontconfig and see what I can do. If it can't
do the work, I'll compile xfs myself. I'm used to compile X Window, so I
should be able to manage something.

Thanks for all replys.

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