wiki log of #dragonfly irc channel

Helge Rohde heroh at
Fri Mar 9 14:34:05 PST 2007

On Friday 09 March 2007 17:54, Clemens Hintze wrote:

> > countries. I believe the reasoning goes along the lines of: they
> > have an
> > urgent suspicion that there is evidence against you (the encrypted
> > partition ), so they can put you into 'Beugehaft' (= coercive
> > detention)
> As I understand it, this cannot happen that way in Germany! If your
> e.g. friend are under investigation and they mean *you* have anything
> to tell to help them (e.g. you having the passphrase to your friend's
> crypto container), they can put you into coercive detention, if you
> do not want to coorperate.
> But if they suspect *you* have done something criminal, they cannot
> force you to help them to get any evidence against you!

AFAIK they made a special law to be allowed to force you to give out 
passphrases. That law does not take into account the possible existence of a 
second key, so as long as you hand 'em one key per encrypted file/partition 
they find, they cannot put you into coercive detention. 
But I2ANAL, so this is only what i read & heard.


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