When will 1.8 be branched?

Jose timofonic soytimofonico at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 22 05:17:30 PST 2007

--- Petr Janda <elekktretterr at exemail.com.au>

> Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
> > On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 20:44:48 +1100
> > Petr Janda <elekktretterr at exemail.com.au> wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> I think you are being slightly absurd. If you
> want DragonFly to go into 
> >> businesses/corporations you have to be prepared
> they *have* demands , 
> >>     
> >
> > 	Nobody has any business making demands of
> volunteers.
> >
> >   
> >> and they are much bigger than mine "is it gonna
> be branched today as 
> >> planned",
> >>     
> >
> > 	Personally I would much rather see branching and
> releases happening
> > when the developers feel it is ready to happen
> than on a planned date.
> >
> > 	That being said the DragonFLy team seems to do
> better at hitting
> > the planned dates than most commercial OS
> developments.
> >
> >   
> I don't make the demands but I am demanded by my
> clients to satisfy them 
> by supplying them a good product. If it was entirely
> up to me I wouldnt 
> be making the inquiries at all(I dont care if its
> released in january or 
> 3 months later) but I have clients, hence why Ive
> often turned to 
> FreeBSD when DF was missing a feature which I
> needed. Therefore I might 
> be sounding to have demanding tone, but thats
> because DF is my personal 
> OS of choice and especially because of my clients.
> (not that they 
> specifically request DF but because thats what I
> offer them + maintenance).
> My apologies.
> Petr

I'm an early newbie and not having clue about
development but... Have you considered to pay
developers for having those exact branching dates and
features you want for your clients? If you receive
something for free, I think you can't demand
something. If you pay explicitely for it (and I don't
mean just donations), then you can.

As I've seen as in my stupid user experience on other
projects, it's better to not give dates when you are
unsure to comply them. Then is better to give
approximately dates thinking in the worst situation,
so if it's released earlier it will look like a nice
surprise ;)

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