libgtop2 and xorg break

Pieter Dumon pieter.dumon at
Sat Aug 25 07:06:57 PDT 2007

Finally found some time to fix libgtop2 to get it compiled on -preview.
Probably doesn't show all the right numbers, though :-)

All of the gnome meta-package now compiles on my machine and it seems to run.

However, the first window or menu I try to open makes the mouse jump
to the upper left corner of the screen and stay there. Anyone any idea
? I'm using a PS/2 mouse with moused, mouse is on /dev/sysmouse.

I did add some daemons to rc.conf for gnome: rpcbind, famd, dbus, gdm.


On 8/14/07, Simon 'corecode' Schubert <corecode at> wrote:
> Matthew Dillon wrote:
> Why is it reading the mmap list anyways?  Maybe that's just for some strange reason.  All necessary vm sizes are already being exported.

How can I get the amount of shared mem for a proc ?
That's what it tries to calculate.

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