Computer-app. crashes after accessing webdav disk

Justin C. Sherrill justin at
Wed Apr 11 07:34:56 PDT 2007

On Wed, April 11, 2007 7:21 am, Huub wrote:
> Hi,
> After finding out I can access webdav through the Computer icon/app. on
> the desktop, I created the network-disk on FreeBSD 6.2, NetBSD
> 3.1/amd64, NetBSD 3.1/386 and DragonFlyBSD 1.9. All except the latter
> work well. When I access the webdav disk the first time, it's ok. But
> after the second time, I get the message "The application Computer has
> crashed". Next, it hangs on collecting crash-information. The only thing
> I can do then, is leaving X with ctl-alt-backspace and reboot. If I
> leave X and start X again without rebooting, I don't get the desktop.
> BTW, I use gnome.
> Can somebody tell me what's wrong please?

As corecode said, it's possible something in Gnome, which makes it hard to
tell.  You may want to bring to the Gnome developers.

Another way to gather data is to see if the problem happens with non-Gnome
components - for instance, if you use cadaver at the command line to
access a webdav location, does it also have problems?

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