Hints on kernel config for a dula pII/450 system anyone?

Gergo Szakal bastyaelvtars at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 10:02:07 PDT 2006

70609180744s1fbbd3eft59de1a31d213067a at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>	 <450eb994$0$790$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <ea7b9c170609181925q2143ec01je9e0c0e47524b81f at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <45114ce2$0$789$415eb37d at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <200609201629.k8KGTBir090919 at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     Gergo, could you throw the kernel binary into that directory too?  The
>     vmcore isn't useful without the kernel binary.

Oops, forgot to copy over, sorry. Done.

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