Performance 4.x vs. 6.x

Kris Kennaway kkenn at
Fri Oct 13 14:05:53 PDT 2006

On 2006-10-12, bsdude at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <bsdude at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have to say that I agree with most of DT comments regarding the state of
> FreeBSD5+, after having watched the progress (or lack there of) for over
> three years.

Taking Matt's reply under advisement, all I'll point out is that it's
not reasonable to treat "FreeBSD 6.x" in the same class as "5+";
FreeBSD 6.x is where we fixed most of the problems that afflicted the
5.x branch, and based on the thousands of hours of optimization and
stress-testing we've put into it, it's easily the most stable and in
many areas the most performant branch of FreeBSD ever.  If you had bad
experiences with FreeBSD 5.x, don't write off 6.x until you've tried


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