csup is now in FreeBSD

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Thu Mar 9 18:18:31 PST 2006

On Thu, 9 Mar 2006, walt wrote:

> I tried building wip/csup and got a bunch of 'already defined'
> and missing header errors.
> I tried copying the /usr/src/contrib/csup directory from FBSD
> which compiles and works perfectly on DFly with no modification.
> Something is different between the two, but I don't know what.
> I'll see if I can figure it out.

Somethings were already fixed. Also, I emailed the csup developer about 
some differences between DragonFly.

Maybe a new tarball is now available and maybe the pkgsrc-wip developer 
can update the package.

 Jeremy C. Reed

echo 'I7 at 87944:;6<754372=9=?48812=7043:>' | tr '0-@' 'wutrofn mlkige.ca'

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