Argh, Stray interrupts 2006

Erik Wikström erik-wikstrom at
Fri Jun 2 01:21:30 PDT 2006

On 2006-06-02 00:24, Danial Thom wrote:
--- Simon 'corecode' Schubert
<corecode at xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 01.06.2006, at 20:42, Danial Thom wrote:
> OK, it seems that enabling the printer got
rid of
> the messages. We usually disable the printer
> and remove the printer device and it seems
> DFLY doesn't like that too much.
Now that you're talking about it:  I also
experienced some of those 
strange problems, and on my box i still get
stray ints (11 I think) 
when switching virtual consoles or pressing any
*lock key (!?).

It basically means:  something fishy is
happening, DragonFly/FreeBSD 
did notice that, continued working, but told
you.  Maybe we can add a 
sysctl which rate-limits those messages to a
reasonable amount?

FreeBSD (4.9+ at least) quashes them after the
first dozen or so. But I still don't get why ints
are getting generated when no device on that irq
has been enabled.
Matt explained it all in an earlier post:
Erik Wikström
 "I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
 telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure
 out how to use my telephone" -- Bjarne Stroustrup

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