Compaq Evo boot problem

Simon 'corecode' Schubert corecode at
Thu Jul 27 18:00:20 PDT 2006

Haidut wrote:
I installed Dfly on a Compaq Evo desktop and when I try to boot from
the HDD I get several lines of cryptic messages in hex and then a line
withe text "BTX halted".
I found some posts on the Internet saying that *BSD have problem
booting on some Compaq machines but none of the posts offered
conclusive advice. Some advices were to change the HDD settings in the
BIOX to "MAX PIO" and I did that but still the same error. I saw a
post on the Dfly list from back in 2004 with the same problem but
nobody responded to that person. Any clues on how to fix this?
not really.  as no developer could reproduce and debug it, it is quite hard to fix.  it is a fault in the boot loader, most probably triggered by the BIOS.  unfortunately the boot blocks are quite space constrained so that printing a usable backtrace or even dumping is quite hard :/

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