Would DF welcome a phpbb forum?

Csaba Henk csaba.henk at creo.hu
Wed Jan 18 06:48:36 PST 2006

On 2006-01-17, elekktretterr at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <elekktretterr at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> doesnt get mixed up. a BB has also another advantage called "Search" which
> is very useful with so many posts per day.

Hmm, the search facilities of ml mirrors like marc and gmane are good
enough IMHO.

But were they insufficient, one can fetch the whole archive as is (I
don't see them on the site, but nntp and the moderate size of the
archives makes this feasible), and query with whatever text mangling
power tools she has in her arsenal.

Yeah, I know that's too geeky for John Doe and Aunt Tille... but fine
for the current audience, I guess.


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