C++ compilations times

Justin C. Sherrill justin at shiningsilence.com
Thu Jan 19 07:15:29 PST 2006

On Thu, January 19, 2006 10:31 am, Antonio Bravo wrote:
> Curious about getting documentation or tips if possible.
> I have build JDK14 yesterday from pkgsrc/wip and it took more  than 6
> hours on a box where the same JDK is built in about 3 hours for NetBSD or
> OpenBSD...
> Similar thing do happen with the other c++ beasts like KDE, it takes
> roughly more x2 time to build.Insane.
> I know zero about c++, but if someone can point to some docs about that
> issue I will appreciate much.Thanks!

Are you using the same version of pkgsrc-wip on each machine?  Is the same
number of dependencies being installed on each machine?  (i.e. the
NetBSD/OpenBSD systems where you did this didn't already have some of the
needed packages?)

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