Problems booting - stack overflow at boot menu [ updated ]

Matt Emmerton matt at
Sat Dec 30 12:32:11 PST 2006

> :I just downloaded/burned the 1.6-rel image and encounter the same
> :
> :FreeBSD 4.x installs fine, although the 6.x loader is hit or miss -- 
> :sometimes it locks up during the countdown sequence, and sometimes it
> :'normally'.  Is it possible that my hardware is crap and needs to be put
> :rest?
>     I don't think its your hardware.  I think the loader is just too
>     and it makes it a real pain to figure out what the cause of these
>     failures are.

Is the loader neccessarily complex?  Or could we simplify things some more?
(I know folks have worked on this in the past, so this is just a casual
inquiry as to what more could be done.)

Matt Emmerton

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