Static IP on DHCP system?

Gergo Szakal bastyaelvtars at
Sat Aug 26 03:21:39 PDT 2006

Erik Wikström wrote:
You could put your static addresses on 192.168.1.* and set the mask to Have you checked the router configuration if it's possible 
to specify a couple of static address even though the DHCP-server is 
AFAIK the only detection method for this would be to check the packets 
going through the router against the leasefile of the dhcp server. I 
don't think any router would disallow filling in an IP address statically.

Jonathon McKitrick wrote: range
Netmask bitte? ;-)

Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
statically assigning a address to a box on the network?
No, unless your router has another NIC with an IP in the 
range. :-) Rather assign a 192.168.x.x one (see above).

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