Just obtained a wireless NIC

Sepherosa Ziehau sepherosa at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 05:50:36 PDT 2006

On 8/22/06, Petr Janda <elekktretterr at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Sephe,
Thanks for the reply. I got it working.

In regards to rc.conf are there any examples on how to put SSID, WEP
key, etc into rc.conf?
ifconfig_acx0="ssid your_ssid wepmode on wepkey 0x?????????? weptxkey 1"

Im actually using wpa_supplicant and it was a breeze. Perhaps the
simplest way to make wpa_supplicant daemon start during boot would be by
FreeBSD seems to have
ifconfig_acx0="WPA ..."
Don't what NetBSD has, but I think we may need to keep close to NetBSD
for rc script
putting it in rc.local I guess? Though a standalone rc script would be
nice. Are there any plans?
No plan currently.

Another quesiton. Is it possible to get above 48Mbps? This card should
do 54Mbps I believe.
 media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (OFDM/48Mbps)
Rate is set by a very primitive rate control function in acx(4)
driver, it can reach 54Mbit/s given the env is well enough, and it
will drop if it suffers packet lossing.  It does not work very well
though.  But be patient, a better generic rate control system is on
its way :-)
Best Regards,
Live Free or Die

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