Problem with url2pkg
Saverio Iacovelli
iacovelli_mail at
Tue Aug 15 15:48:16 PDT 2006
> Don't run it in a directory already in use.
> cd /usr/pkgsrc # or wherever you keep it
> mkdir -p NEW/ucarp
> cd NEW/ucarp
> url2pkg
> Anyways, it doesn't not make sense to create a new
> package from scratch
> when it already exists.
> Just simply modify the existing Makefile to use the
> newer version. And run
> "bmake makesum".
Ok, but:
1) how can I find the makefile for pkgsrc version of
ucarp 1.1?
2) I created /usr/pkgsrc/NEW/ucarp directory and I
tried url2pkg
in ucarp directry, but it always retuns the message:
"Run this in .../pkgsrc/foo/bar !
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