pkgsrc php extension mysql version

Mark Cullen mark.r.cullen at
Mon Apr 24 03:41:33 PDT 2006

joerg at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 10:42:38AM +0100, Mark Cullen wrote:

Is there some way to change what version of MySQL the php-mysql 
extension uses? It wants to use MySQL 5, but I would actually like to 
stick with using MySQL 4 for now, if possible! I looked around a bit but 
couldn't seem to find any options anywhere.

MYSQL_VERSION_DEFAULT=41 should do the trick.

Thank you both! I'll give that a try.

Dmitri's reply didn't seem to get to the newsgroup properly, but arrived 
in my inbox and said pretty much the same thing :-)

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