Distributed SCM

walt wa1ter at myrealbox.com
Fri Nov 4 13:33:09 PST 2005

Peter Schuller wrote:
..Does Git provide sherry picking of patches and the
ability to maintain private branches while not loosing any version
control power? (I have no idea, not having used Git.)
I can tell you that one of the files installed by git is called
'git-cherry-pick'.  I've never used it, so I can't tell you what
it does, but the subject has been discussed on the git mailing list.
I dream of a future where I can maintain my own repository
(dfly/freebsd/whatever), apply my own patches and sherry pick other
3rd party patches from a number of unrelated repositories. :)
It sounds like bitkeeper and git are made-to-order for your
wishes.  Licensing is the major difference between the two ;o)
If this is important to you, you should read the git mailing list
on gmane.org.  Subscribe to gmane.comp.version-control.git
This will give you many months of history during git's design,
and should give you a good idea of what git can do.

A complementary collection of shellscripts called 'cogito'
make git easier to use for us newbies.  It also includes a
tk-based GUI which makes it easy to study the commit history
of a source tree:

If any of our DragonFly developers have ever cursed CVS --
please take a look at git.  It was designed by developers
who cursed CVS every day ;o)

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