programming: Makefile

Simon 'corecode' Schubert corecode at
Fri May 27 12:54:45 PDT 2005

George Georgalis wrote:
> But now, when I do this (home/geo is a cvs module):
> include
> geo :
> 	make -C home/geo MAKE_REAL_HARD_LINKS REAL=/home/geo
> I get...
> % make geo       
> make -C home/geo MAKE_REAL_HARD_LINKS REAL=/home/geo
> make: don't know how to make MAKE_REAL_HARD_LINKS. Stop
> *** Error code 2
> So how does one "include" targets, or am I going about this wrong?

hmm... either you want to use -f to use the correct makefile
in your recursive make, or you might want to restructure your system to
use .for loops in the makefile like

DIRS=home/geo home/foo

. for REAL in ${DIRS}
. for _targ in do_${REAL:C,/,_,g}
all: ${_targ}
	<code to make hardlinks>
. endfor
. endfor


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