Building DragonFly on small drives (was Re: Loader not found)

Gabriel Ambuehl gaml at
Thu Mar 17 06:00:53 PST 2005

Hi justin at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
you wrote.

jsc> The solution that would help with this and other issues is: binary
jsc> updates.  You could update without burning out your CF disk, and it would
jsc> speed up the update process for everyone.

jsc> This topic has been brought up before; the closest equivalent is the
jsc> FreeBSD Update program over at
jsc> - nifty, though FreeBSD-specific at this point.

Couldn't a poor mans version of binary updates be done by rsync?
(Alternatively some evision control would work and even allow for
downgrades). It won't do binary deltas but that's perhaps not even
needed that badly?

This leaves aside config files but they are difficult to handle


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