Dragonfly and Hyperthreading....

Jonathan Fosburgh jonathan at fosburgh.org
Tue Mar 8 05:50:46 PST 2005

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 07:01, Erik P. Skaalerud wrote:

>  From what I see, people who use BSD have the choice of using Intel or
> Via, these are the only mainboard chipset i know of that works the way
> they should under BSD. (There might be more chipsets, but none that I
> have worked with.. like "Ali")
> - Erik

FWIW, I'm using AMD64 on SiS chipset at home.  It all works except for onboard 
sound.  I'm running FreeBSD/i386 (5.4-PRE) on it.  No DFly yet, since there 
is no support for UFS2 it looks like I will have to create some new 
filesystems using UFS1 for the data that I need to share (notably email). 
Jonathan Fosburgh
AIX and Storage Administrator
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX
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