Current stable tag slip status 23-Mar-2005

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Wed Mar 23 11:22:42 PST 2005

    This is the current status for slipping the stable tag:

    make seg-fault              - fixed
    Opera/Firefox stalls        - fixed  
    TCP 'sent too much' panic   - fixed
    Installer update		- done
    ppbus init panic 		- fixed (gcc-3.4 bug)
	(reported by Joroen Ruigrok/asmodai)
    IPV4 connection problems	- still diagnosing (probably SMP related)
	(reported by Peter Avalos)
    TCP Flooding issue		- still diagnosing
	(reported by Atte Peltomaki)
    NFS TCP connection failure  - still diagnosing
	(reported by someone through Jeffrey Hsu)

    The tag is going to be slipped today regardless.  I expect the 
    remaining issues will be fixed fairly quickly (even more so if we can
    get additional replication of the reported bugs).


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