OT: Interested in a administrator job at a dutch high school?

Martin P. Hellwig mhellwig at xs4all.nl
Sat Jul 2 06:57:59 PDT 2005

Wiger van Houten wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 20:17:47 +0200, Martin P. Hellwig 
<mhellwig at xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

If you happen to live near The Hague (Leidschendam actually) and want 
to  grow into an administrator function (if your reading this your 
probably  qualified :-)), drop me a line.
I have to mention that most High-Schools in the Netherlands are  
low-budget in technical functions so if you are already an 
administrator    you're probably over-qualified and can not get the 
pay you already  have.

Is groningen too far away for the job? As long as i can pay my rent, it  
would be ok with me ;).

Well as long as you can speak/write well Dutch and are competent enough 
you can apply, though it would be not in you interest to travel each day 
for 5 hours to get to the job site (physical appearance on site and 
communicating in Dutch is a mandatory).


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