linuxpluginwrapper, how to install?

Joerg Sonnenberger joerg at
Sat Jan 22 10:16:21 PST 2005

On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 01:02:10PM +0900, YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:
> Of course, you're not going to have to do this if libmap support
> is committed to the tree, but that depends on whether Matt and
> other main developers like it.

Well, I said it before: I don't like it at all. In my opinon it
does serve only two purposes, helping FreeBSD to switch between
threading libraries and helping the linuxwrapper port.

To achieve this, every dynamic program startup is slowed down by
the time to open parse the config file if it does exist.

This doesn't seem a good trade. I'm still thinking from time to
time about cheaper ways to implement this and I'm pretty sure
that is possible. One idea is to extend the rtld interface
with an application hook to allow name space translations.


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