natd and open firewall problem

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sun Feb 27 17:44:14 PST 2005

:dillon wrote @ Sat, 26 Feb 2005 17:40:53 -0800 (PST):
:>     Looks good except for one thing...  You changed a natd_enable check
:>     to a natd_interface check.  natd_interface can be set without natd_enable
:>     being set (e.g. someone has it all set up but they want to temporarily
:>     disable it, so they only change natd_enable), and I don't think we want
:>     to start nat in that case.  Or I'm missing something.
:No, the check was indeed missing.
:Index: rc.firewall

    Committed!  Further tweaks , if any are required, can be made post-commit.


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