Backporting DFly patches to FreeBSD?

EM1897 at EM1897 at
Tue Feb 22 20:43:43 PST 2005

In a message dated 2/21/2005 1:40:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, Michel Talon <talon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>EM1897 at xxxxxxx wrote:
>> In a message dated 2/21/05 3:09:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>> dodell at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
>>>Good code is a good first step.
>>>It's really not a contest, nor is it a war. If it is, I'd like someone
>>>to please tell me so I can get out of it.
>> If your goal in life is simply to "do" something, then your chances
>> of doing it well are diminished. The goal of being the best, if for no
>> other satisfaction than being able to stand on your desk and 
>> beat your chest, is the only goal worth working towards.
>Thinking that one can be the best on whatever subject is usually
>incredibly stupid. Perhaps Matt Dillon or phk may have the well
>founded opinion that they are "the best", but in the vast majority of 
>cases, one only makes a fool of oneself. Let us be happy of not
>doing too bad our job.

It must be nice to be able to sit back with your wine 
and cheese while letting other countries develop the technology to protect your lazy butts...

Ok, ok, Just Kidding...but it was way too big an opening to
resist..... :) I see no point in preaching mediocrity. 
If it suits you, fine. But there is no reason to discourage

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